Page name: The Asylum [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-07-10 19:58:10
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The Asylum @ Wiki


So you wanna join? If you're genuinely insane feel free, if not, you must be going insane if your visiting!!!

The Asylum Members - Click here to add your name to the list.
The Asylum Badges - Add badges to your house.

If you aren't insane, but feeling helpful, please apply to be a nurse or warden or psychologist or something cos we're kinda gettin outta control!!! WE NEED HELP NOOOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!

[mort prevoyant] - psychologist
[Take off your clothes. ♥] - psychotherapist
[Cr0550utTheEyes] Psychiatrist. I may be on the lists of those who aren't 'all there' but I am here to help others, just not myself, feel free to talk to me if needed, I've been down every road.
[MischeviousAngel 101] i may be .. not all there... but i am a good listener and always willing to try and help with your problems.... i am also a good agony aunt if you need any advice.

For all you people who are insanely depressed, please visit The Asylum For The Depressed

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2004-09-01 [Take off your clothes. ♥]: who are these people anyway?

2004-09-01 [Malice Alice]: Don't know, must be the people who couldn't handle the power of The Asylum!

2004-09-01 [Take off your clothes. ♥]: hehe... oh well!!! i wonder what their insides look like?

2004-09-01 [Malice Alice]: yeah! Lets find out....

2004-09-01 [Take off your clothes. ♥]: *looks for knife* how?

2004-09-01 [Malice Alice]: Oh look! *points in corner* A chainsaw!

2004-09-01 [Take off your clothes. ♥]: ooooooooh.... i wanna go!

2004-09-01 [Malice Alice]: hehe, okay, you get first dibs on it.

2004-09-01 [Take off your clothes. ♥]: whoops, i cut his legs off... hehe!

2004-09-01 [Malice Alice]: hehe, at least you got a good blood flow going.

2004-09-01 [Take off your clothes. ♥]: wow... they must have died recently then.... mint!

2004-09-01 [Malice Alice]: hehe, yeah, perhaps

2004-09-01 [Take off your clothes. ♥]: wanna go with the chainsaw?

2004-09-01 [Malice Alice]: No, I'm good, I'll watch you slaughter the poor dead man.

2004-09-01 [Take off your clothes. ♥]: he's already slaughtered! ooooh, a heart.... wait, why has he got two?

2004-09-01 [Malice Alice]: !!!....ummm...I don't quite know...look! One of thems still beating!

2004-09-01 [Take off your clothes. ♥]: ooooh, maybe hes not dead... *slaps man over and over* wake up weird man!!!!

2004-09-01 [Monoxide Child]: hehehe, what the hell?

2004-09-01 [Take off your clothes. ♥]: i'm tryna wake up the dead guy!

2004-09-01 [Monoxide Child]: Dead guy? Oh, I see, kool.

2004-09-01 [Take off your clothes. ♥]: yeah... but he's not dead...

2004-09-01 [Monoxide Child]: but you said he was, so umm...I...oh, forget it. hehehe, have fun with the dead guy. I'ma take a seat over there *points to the corner*

2004-09-01 [Take off your clothes. ♥]: ok... I'll just play with this creepy guy!

2004-09-01 [Monoxide Child]: hehe, all right, I'll watch from over here.

2004-09-01 [Truth . Beauty . Love]: O.o I'm sleepy.

2004-09-01 [Malice Alice]: I'm not, I'm wide awake (suprisingly)

2004-09-01 [Truth . Beauty . Love]: Wish i could say that lol.

2004-09-01 [Malice Alice]: lol, I'm suprised I can say that.

2004-09-01 [Take off your clothes. ♥]: He's alive, look, his arm's twitching!

2004-09-01 [Monoxide Child]: yeah, i see it, cut the fuckers arm off!

2004-09-01 [Take off your clothes. ♥]: erm, ok! *cuts off arm, man screams* whoops!

2004-09-07 [So Long Pluto]: holy hell, i havent been here in awhile. how is everyone?

2004-09-07 [Monoxide Child]: hehe, neither have I. I talked to your lady friend today.

2004-09-07 [So Long Pluto]: lol my lady friend? oh you mean sheep?

2004-09-07 [Monoxide Child]: hehe, yup, she's kool.

2004-09-07 [So Long Pluto]: yeah, she rules ^_^

2004-09-07 [Monoxide Child]: yeah. So what are you up to?

2004-09-07 [So Long Pluto]: not much, just bumming around on the work computer

2004-09-07 [Monoxide Child]: allrighty.

2004-09-08 [Take off your clothes. ♥]: wow the excitement....

2004-09-08 [BLack Sheep 666]: hello all

2004-09-09 [So Long Pluto]: helllooooo

2004-09-10 [BLack Sheep 666]: my love * snuggles soldier*

2004-09-12 [So Long Pluto]: *snuggles sheep* ello love ^_^

2004-09-13 [BLack Sheep 666]: *giggle*

2004-09-13 [Take off your clothes. ♥]: ..........

2004-09-14 [So Long Pluto]: 'ow is everyone this evenin'?

2004-09-14 [Monoxide Child]: All good here, how bout you? (damn, I need to put my name on the members list if I'm gonna chat in here, hehe. I'll go do that now)

2004-09-14 [So Long Pluto]: i'm pretty good myself thank you *bows* yeah you should probably do that :P

2004-09-14 [Monoxide Child]: good to hear.

2004-09-15 [BLack Sheep 666]: *snuggles monoxide then back to her soldier*

2004-09-15 [Monoxide Child]: hehe! *snuggles with Sheep then back one, I guess*

2004-09-15 [BLack Sheep 666]: *snuggles monoxide*

2004-09-15 [Monoxide Child]: yay! hehehe, I love snuggling

2004-09-15 [BLack Sheep 666]: *snuggles more*

2004-09-15 [So Long Pluto]: you can snuggle with me monoxide!! i'm not posionous!!! *snuggles everyone*

2004-09-15 [BLack Sheep 666]: *snuggles soldier close*MINE

2004-09-15 [So Long Pluto]: *snuggles sheep and licks her neck* meow!

2004-09-15 [Monoxide Child]: Yay! hehe *snuggles with Crucified*

2004-09-16 [BLack Sheep 666]: *grolws at monoxide* MiNE *holds soldier to her * MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-09-16 [Monoxide Child]: Eep! sorry, my bad

2004-09-16 [BLack Sheep 666]: its ok no one snuggles her but me sorry * snuggles back* im just a suggle bum

2004-09-16 [Monoxide Child]: but...but...but she offered to snuggle with me

2004-09-16 [BLack Sheep 666]: its ok she is my baby sorry its ok snuggle with both of us cause reasons

2004-09-16 [Monoxide Child]: hehe, okay then, thats kool with me. *snuggles with both Crucified Soldier and Black Sheep 666*

2004-09-16 [BLack Sheep 666]: *snuggles back*

2004-12-13 [SkyLynn07]: I can be a therapist if you need me....

2004-12-13 [BLack Sheep 666]: *steps away from soldier and in the corner by herself. and says * " im all alone im all alone"

2004-12-13 [vith valsharess]: *sits in corner all by myself rocking while saying* sexy aliens eat my blankets a night

2004-12-14 [BLack Sheep 666]: * rocks herself*

2004-12-14 [i yell at my monkey]: ............

2004-12-14 [vith valsharess]: *continues rocking...

2004-12-15 [Monoxide Child]: *stones instead...then attempts to boulder*

2004-12-15 [vith valsharess]: *wispers* i want my blanky formally known as the straight jacket

2004-12-15 [So Long Pluto]: Holy hell in a handbasket..haven't been in here in a lonnngggg time.

2004-12-16 [BLack Sheep 666]: * snuggles with monoxide*

2004-12-16 [vith valsharess]: lol......ya...ive just totaly forgot about this place till recently

2004-12-17 [BLack Sheep 666]: * licks monoxide's face* Mmmm bubbles

2004-12-17 [Monoxide Child]: ^_^ ehehe, bubbles... *snuggles*

2004-12-17 [BLack Sheep 666]: * licks his lips ad snuggles more* my bubbles

2004-12-17 [So Long Pluto]: Yeah, I think the last time I was in here was over summer I think.

2004-12-18 [vith valsharess]:

2004-12-18 [vith valsharess]: *feels left out*

2004-12-18 [BLack Sheep 666]: * snuggles with vith and back to monoxide*

2004-12-18 [vith valsharess]: *snuggles back*

2004-12-18 [BLack Sheep 666]: * licks vith*

2004-12-18 [vith valsharess]: *gets licked* *licks BLack Sheep*

2004-12-18 [BLack Sheep 666]: *giggles*

2004-12-18 [Monoxide Child]: *snugglizzles with Black Shizzle* teehee

2004-12-18 [BLack Sheep 666]: thank you monoxide * snuggles back and licks everyone but her old 2 bit stankin hoe*

2004-12-18 [So Long Pluto]: *waves* that would be me!

2004-12-19 [vith valsharess]: lol....

2004-12-20 [BLack Sheep 666]: *goes back to snuggling a loyal person*

2004-12-20 [vith valsharess]: *snuggles every1*

2004-12-20 [BLack Sheep 666]: sorry vith im just a bitter lonley ex * siggles with everyone bearly with soldier*

2004-12-20 [So Long Pluto]: I'm not offended Sheep. You're entitled to feel that way.

2004-12-21 [Monoxide Child]: *wonders what the deal is between Sheep & Soldier* =\

2004-12-21 [So Long Pluto]: It's a long story. You can ask her and she'll give her opinion on the whole thing. 

2004-12-21 [JessieAnn]: plz give an oppinion soz i aint bin on for age but i kinda went 2sleep but im back 2 crazyness lol!!! insanity rocks!

2004-12-23 [BLack Sheep 666]: its ok its nothing i was stupid enoug to believe someone wanted me for once and then she forgets about me and she gets a bf and leaves me

2004-12-25 [So Long Pluto]: Wow, way to blow that way out of proportion Sheep. That's not how it went. I didn't forget about you, I misread what you were asking me, I didn't FORGET about you. I did want you, but I thought you would never want someone like me, so I just figured you would never ask me out. 

2004-12-29 [BLack Sheep 666]: i did ask you out

2004-12-31 [So Long Pluto]: Let's not forget that you had a boyfriend as well when we were "dating".

2005-01-02 [vith valsharess]: sry....

2005-01-03 [BLack Sheep 666]: its kewl im kewl

2005-01-03 [vith valsharess]: kool

2005-01-03 [So Long Pluto]: It's obvious that I'm the villain in this one, so I'm going to leave. 

2005-01-03 [BLack Sheep 666]: were kewl i guess

2005-01-03 [BLack Sheep 666]: were kewl i guess i want to chop my nugget off i miss my friends

2005-01-04 [vith valsharess]: lol...u dont have to go....stay...*holds on to Crucified*

2005-01-04 [So Long Pluto]: Lol, thanks Vith. If it's ok with Sheep, then I'll stay.

2005-01-05 [BLack Sheep 666]: its kewl * hugs her * im just upset too much death

2005-01-05 [So Long Pluto]: *hugs Sheep* I understand. It's a lot to deal with.

2005-01-06 [BLack Sheep 666]: i wish i still had my mum

2005-01-06 [i yell at my monkey]: sum of my friends in iraq

2005-01-06 [So Long Pluto]: I can't say I know how that feels. I'm sorry I don't know what to say. Monkey, I'm sorry to hear about your friends going overseas. My step dad was over in Iraq for Desert Storm a long while ago.

2005-01-10 [i yell at my monkey]: i goin sum time after i turn 18

2005-01-10 [vith valsharess]: ya i kno how it feels my dad is getting ready to go....he is going to Texas for 6 months for battle training then he is leaving....but im just happy that he isnt going into such a bad place over their....where he is going there isnt as much bombing and stuff....but there still*crosses fingers* ...hope he returns

2005-01-11 [i yell at my monkey]: ah only a few things are destructive enough to hurt people and then they is alot of training so they can be ready so i wouldn't worry to much

2005-01-12 [BLack Sheep 666]: MOO MOOM OO

2005-01-13 [vith valsharess]: ya....*starts mooing w/ Black..* MOO MOO MOOMOOhehhehe this reminds me of that mad cow dissease on funy junck...hehehe

2005-01-13 [So Long Pluto]: Lol Here a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo moo

2005-01-14 [Monoxide Child]: It reminds me of South Park..cause all the aliens ever did was moo..haha

2005-01-14 [BLack Sheep 666]: * yawns and curls into her blankie with her pink bunny*

2005-01-19 [i yell at my monkey]: PINK BUNNY PINK BUNNY i want i want lol

2005-01-19 [vith valsharess]: lol....*runs after pink bunny blanki and screams* Diiiiiieeee......

2005-01-19 [i yell at my monkey]: wwwwwaaaaaahhhhhhh:*(

2005-01-20 [vith valsharess]: *pink bunny blanki dies*.....

2005-01-20 [Monoxide Child]: *eats pringles*

2005-01-20 [i yell at my monkey]: wat kind pringles??? looks at can but can't see

2005-01-20 [So Long Pluto]: *snuggles up on couch and shuts eyes to take a nap*

2005-01-21 [Monoxide Child]: original kind, but I like to sprinkle crushed red pepper on them ^_^

2005-01-22 [BLack Sheep 666]: *steals monoxide's pringles* haha

2005-01-23 [Monoxide Child]: Ni, I am Pringle-less! XD

2005-01-23 [BLack Sheep 666]: haha i win * offers you a pringle then shoves it in her mouth. then grins knowing how adorable she is*

2005-01-24 [i yell at my monkey]: pulls out huge can bigger than monkey out and says want some pizza flavor lol

2005-01-24 [vith valsharess]: can i have sum?

2005-01-24 [So Long Pluto]: *pulls out a special can of pringles that are her own flavor* bwahahahhaa, I own you all!!

2005-01-25 [i yell at my monkey]: lol but mine are giant*hands over giant pringle lol

2005-01-25 [So Long Pluto]: Lol, no fair..that's ok...mine are chocolate flavored!!

2005-01-26 [BLack Sheep 666]: * munches monoxides pringles*

2005-01-27 [vith valsharess]: ew.....wouldnt that be kinda weird to have chocolate flavored pringles? did you know they have ketchup flavored?

2005-01-28 [i yell at my monkey]: yah i tryed those naste big time

2005-01-29 [So Long Pluto]: Yeah, I've never tried them though. I like the salt and vinegar ones though ^_^

2005-01-30 [BLack Sheep 666]: ok if they have ranch dresing pringles id be all game but i like ketchup dont get me wrong but not with my pringles.

2005-01-31 [i yell at my monkey]: i know i like ranch on just about everything

2005-01-31 [BLack Sheep 666]: same here fav food ranch and combnitaion pizza rolls

2005-01-31 [So Long Pluto]: *has the unpopular vote...again*

2005-02-01 [BLack Sheep 666]: salt and vinegar is good too dont get me wrong

2005-02-01 [i yell at my monkey]: ah no no no not good horible salt vinegar yucky ewwwww pizza rollss totinos yummy

2005-02-02 [Raiff]: heh

2005-02-03 [BLack Sheep 666]: i still love ya soldier*huggles*

2005-02-04 [So Long Pluto]: *huggles* well that's good :)

2005-02-06 [BLack Sheep 666]: i know* shares pringles*

2005-02-06 [So Long Pluto]: *munches on a pringle* I'm tired -_-'

2005-02-06 [JessieAnn]: hey peeps, i aint bin on for like donkeys years, but howz it goin neway lol???????? oooooo pringles??? ne1 want a jaffa??????

2005-02-06 [BLack Sheep 666]: im tired too

2005-02-07 [i yell at my monkey]: k

2005-02-08 [BLack Sheep 666]: * lays down and shivers*

2005-02-08 [i yell at my monkey]: *covers black sheep w/ blanket* better????

2005-02-09 [BLack Sheep 666]: im lonley and cold

2005-02-09 [i yell at my monkey]: well y is that

2005-02-09 [BLack Sheep 666]: no one loves me no more * cries*

2005-02-10 [So Long Pluto]: Awwww *snuggles wif sheep* It's alright, everything will clear up. You'll see :)

2005-02-10 [BLack Sheep 666]: i still dont know where i am

2005-02-10 [i yell at my monkey]: ur in the paded room with the rest of us *covers up w/ blanket*

2005-02-10 [JessieAnn]: u can borrow my straight jacket!!!!!! ive warmed it up!!!

2005-02-11 [BLack Sheep 666]: * snuggles in straight jacket with silent confession*

2005-02-11 [JessieAnn]: yay were both warm....... anyone want a jaffa???? cos i found a hole box!!!!

2005-02-12 [So Long Pluto]: That's fine, I'm thinking of leaving anyway. I'm getting out of here

2005-02-12 [JessieAnn]: fine ..........*sobs*

2005-02-14 [BLack Sheep 666]: * frowns with tears in here eyes* I DONT KNOW WHERE I AM AT IN WISCONSION STILL

2005-02-14 [So Long Pluto]: Lol, no ones going to miss me here :P

2005-02-15 [BLack Sheep 666]: i will * clings to her dragging silent along for the ride*

2005-02-15 [JessieAnn]: yay weeeeeeeee

2005-02-15 [BLack Sheep 666]: * spins them both around and around then all four fall over*

2005-02-15 [JessieAnn]: ouch i bnged me head, fank god for the padded cells lol

2005-02-15 [So Long Pluto]: *tries walking but can't* Sheep! Let go! lol

2005-02-15 [JessieAnn]: *lies on the padded mats "o my head!!!!!!"

2005-02-15 [So Long Pluto]: Are you ok silent?

2005-02-15 [JessieAnn]: yes!!! i fink so lol................... wooo im just a lil dizzy from bein dragged around ll all the blood rushed to my head hehe u?

2005-02-15 [So Long Pluto]: Lol, that's not good! I hope you get yourself sorted out soon

2005-02-15 [JessieAnn]: woooooooooo all better now i have a craving for icecream!!!!! "guardy people!!!!"

2005-02-16 [JessieAnn]: they aint listening again lol

2005-02-16 [BLack Sheep 666]: * licks the bubbles on the wall then licks soldier*

2005-02-16 [JessieAnn]: does soldier taste nice?????

2005-02-16 [BLack Sheep 666]: yes very like candy *licks silent's cheek*

2005-02-17 [So Long Pluto]: lol I hope I taste good

2005-02-17 [BLack Sheep 666]: *licks her more*

2005-02-17 [JessieAnn]: hmmmm weird sensation being licked lol............ has a go at lickin blacksheeps cheek, kinda hairy lol

2005-02-18 [BLack Sheep 666]: * giggles and goes to her vampire form* better?

2005-02-18 [JessieAnn]: yes....... hmmmmm kinda like . hmm i duno not as good as jaffas tho... anyone want one?!?!?!

2005-02-18 [BLack Sheep 666]: yes i want one please

2005-02-19 [JessieAnn]: *passes jaffas!!!!!* hmmmmmmmmmm the choclatey goodness lol

2005-02-19 [BLack Sheep 666]: *munches happily*

2005-02-19 [vith valsharess]: lol.....

2005-02-19 [BLack Sheep 666]: *licks vith*

2005-02-19 [JessieAnn]: *we have started the licking rituals!!! hehe*

2005-02-20 [BLack Sheep 666]: *licks silents neck*

2005-02-21 [JessieAnn]: do i taste nice?????

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